Wonder A Sentence Review

Title: Wonder

Author: R. J. Palacio

Genre: Young Adult

A Sentence Review:

The story follows a boy in tenth-grade who has been homeschooled his whole life up to that point through his first foray into relationships with the outside world, and the way he both affects, and is affected by, the people around him due to his unique physical appearance.

Wonder Rating

And Bob’s your uncle! While this was written with young teens in mind, every adult can benefit from reading this book. It has a wonderful narrative that needs to be read and understood by as many people as possible. I definitely recommend it! You can get it reeeeal cheap from Book Depository here.

So, have you enjoyed the wonder that is Wonder? I haven’t seen the movie yet, though I’m planning to watch it soon… Leave a comment and we can talk about this Wonderful book! Or if you’re someone experiencing the same things happening in this book, leave me a message here and we can talk about it privately 🙂

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