To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is more than just a movie with an Asian lead.

Okay, I’mma be honest with you and admit the only reason I clicked to watch To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (TABILB for short ’cause ain’t nobody got time for that) was because I saw the lead was an Asian and I thought I had to support fellow asians in leading roles. The premise of the story didn’t really interest me, and the idea that love triangles would be the focus of this movie made me cringe SO HARD from second-hand embarrassment just at the thought. I had the idea that I would abhor every moment of the love-triangle-cringe-fest.

I can also admit that I was so friggin’ wrong about this movie! Do not be mistaken: IT’S A TEEN MOVIE. You can expect the drama that comes with raging hormones and teens who don’t always know how to make the right decisions. But! TABILB was wholesome and cuddly and warm and butterfly-inducing! Totes adorkable, as the kids say it these days. (Do they though?)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Problematic Love Triangle? NOPE.

I don’t know how many people feel the powerful cringe that comes from watching a movie and experiencing second-hand embarrassment. I for cannot stand it. Unfortunately, many comedies pretty much rely on this type of humour, and that eliminates a lot of comedies for me. Romantic comedies have been an exception because I LOVE LOVE, and have been willing to withstand the embarrassing scenes for the sake of the happy ending. Make no mistake, I still hate it, but at least I’m satisfied at the end!

TATBILB was supposed to be one such movie, what with the premise being one big fat love-triangle. I was willing to put in the work for a hopefully satisfactory storyline. But ya know what? I didn’t even cringe once.

Clichés are definitely in your face, but really what are teen rom coms without some of our favourite tropes? The premise is unique (at least something I’d never encountered before), and the story flowed so gloriously. *happy sigh*

Without spoiling anything, I just gotta say that if you were expecting all the unnecessary drama that comes with an indecisive protagonist in a love-triangle, don’t. The movie was much better for it!

Well-Written Characters

For someone who wanted to watch this movie just because it starred an Asian as the lead, my interest in the character had nothing to do with her race. Sure, it’s nice to have an Asian in a leading role, but her race does not affect the plot at all, an that’s what I liked. An asian can just be an asian. They don’t have to be nerds or crazy rich or eat Chinese food everyday. They can just be people who have crushes and fall in love and also like kimchi.

In TABILB, the main character’s “Asian-ness” is never addressed. Lara Jean just happens to be asian! That’s really cool. She’s funny and kind and interesting, she loves her sisters, she’s a homebody. She’s also insecure, and moody, and problematic at times. But she never annoyed me! That multi-dimensionality can be credited to the writers’ effort. Thanks for not writing in a super stereotypical, irritating, unrelatable lead female protagonist!

let's do this

Let’s not let the main female lead steal all the thunder shall we?

Shoutouts to the other characters in the movie who could have reacted in a really tiresome way, but instead were open and communicative before an issue could be made worse. It’s so hard to write a review without spoiling anything, but there’s one scene where… I CAN’T; IT’S A SPOILER. 😭 But just know there’s a scene! Where a huge misunderstanding was avoided because a character was proactive!

Also, along with being well-written, the characters were also good-looking. Bonus points for them thirsty hoes out there. *wink wink*

Worth It?

It was nice to watch a movie where the unnecessary bullshit was avoided. I don’t know how many people will feel the same magnitude of appreciation I feel for that, but I’ll put that out there into the universe and hope someone else gets to experience the same feeling of not being super annoyed at a character for making stupid decisions.

So is To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before worth the watch?


Just to reiterate, this the point of view of a plebeian. I don’t know a thing about cinematography or the intricacies of symbolism in clothing or other frou-frou stuff, so forgive my lack of fancy terminology! TABILB certainly wasn’t a revolutionary cinematic masterpiece, but it was enjoyable for a romantic plebeian!

Did I miss anything I should’ve pointed out in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before? Maybe you have suggestions for what movie I should watch and review next! Let me know in the comments! You can also check out some of my other TV/Film posts here. Don’t forget to subscribe so you know when I post my next super dope magnum opus content!

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